“Amante Menguante” from Hable Con Ella by Pedro Almodóvar

About This Blog

The primary purpose of this page is to help orient visitors who ended up looking at this blog without intending to find it.  The secondary purpose is to make a declaration of my understanding of Size Fantasy as of September 2023 and how this blog purports to present and develop that understanding.  The tertiary purpose is to extend an invitation to anyone who has questions or would like to know more about Size Fantasy to contact me directly.

This blog was established in December 2018 to house the central archive of all my Size Fantasy stories and related writing.  I have been thinking about (elements of) Size Fantasy since at least the age of six.  In 1995 I discovered online that there were other people who had been thinking along similar lines, each of us believing we were the only people in the world with this obsession.  I have been writing Size Fantasy stories to share with others and participating in online Size Fantasy forums and websites since 2013.

In the most general sense, Size Fantasy is a constellation of an enormous variety of interests and enthusiasms for thinking about people of fantastically-differing sizes.  Fantastically large, like taller than a building.  Fantastically small, like able to fit in the palm of your hand.  And bigger and smaller than that.  How such people might coexist with, interact with, and relate to “normal”-sized people.  What would that look like?  What size would you be, and how would that affect your personality?  What would you like to do in that situation?

At this point it is important to note that while there are many different aspects to Size Fantasy, for me and for many others it is primarily a sexual interest.  Accordingly, everything on or referenced by this blog has the potential to feature adult themes and content and is not intended to be viewed by minors.  If you are under the age of 18 years, you should leave this blog now.


My first four Size Fantasy stories were posted on two of the larger websites dedicated to Size Fantasy as a sexual fetish, but in 2015 I created a blog on Tumblr where I was exposed to a wider range of size interests.  At first I engaged mostly with others who were into the sexual aspect of Size, but in the way of modern social media I was introduced to commentary and images by a dizzying array of Size fans, some of whom had much less use for prurience in their Size imaginings, creating encounters and scenarios that focused more on emotional exchanges, finding humor and comfort in mundane Size relationships.  I valued these new voices for the creativity of their world-building, the variety of scenarios they imagined.

Most people actively participating in Size Fantasy content creation and discussion do so under a pseudonym, particularly those with a sexual interest in Size.  Mainly through comments on each other’s stories on Size Fantasy forums I had made the acquaintance of two or three other Size writers, but on Tumblr I found a wider cross-section of Size enthusiasts who were interested in more discursive explorations of what Size Fantasy could mean.  This was a sufficiently rewarding audience for me to compose longer Size thoughts and invite reply.  In addition to generating more Size writing, this made me many more Size friends.

What Size Fantasy Can Be

Size Fantasy can be so many wildly different things that some Size fans question whether they should be grouped together under the same category.  Indeed, in the almost thirty years that I’ve been observing Size fantasists online, many of them still refer to their fetish by the specific scenario(s) that scratch their individual itches and reject association with those who have other preferences.  I think it’s fair to say that if I listed all the varieties and permutations of Size Fantasy known to me, you wouldn’t be able to find a Size enthusiast who was into more than half of them.

So why put all these diverse preferences, fandoms, and kinks under the same umbrella?  Why shouldn’t a blog run by a Size perv like me focus just on the stuff that gets my personal juices flowing?  The answer goes to certain ideas driving why I like what I like, how those ideas can be found throughout Size Fantasy, and what this means for anyone who might be interested in playing with those ideas.

Size differential immediately expresses a hierarchy that is universally and instinctively appreciated.  Everyone has been a child, so everyone knows intimately what it is like to have a larger person use their size to impose their will on them.  Our culture is full of metaphors and images that illustrate power differential in terms of size.  Even when the power differential is held in abeyance, for example by a giant person who is respectful of smaller people, the power differential remains, never far from anyone’s mind.

Imagining an encounter between people of dramatically-different sizes is inherently exciting because we don’t know how these people will react.  The relatively giant person might be surprised, mystified, protective, amused, disappointed, appalled, aroused, hungry, bored, cruel, or sarcastic.  The relatively tiny person might be terrified, relieved, lusty, imperious, grateful, impatient, adventurous, mischievous, resigned, curious, or homesick.  People reveal different sides of their personality when confronted with such a primal power differential.

The sensory details of a relatively giant or tiny perspective are inherently fascinating because what was once mundane is now otherworldly.  Navigating a dramatically large or small environment can be both daunting and delightful.  There are endless opportunities to discover new ways to approach old situations, to find (mis)adventure in everyday life.  Familiar objects (and people) can seem like hazards or toys.  Size differential tests one’s ingenuity, patience, empathy, courage, dignity, and sense of humor.

As a writer of Size smut, I can readily see the ribald applications of these tropes.  Perhaps you can, too.  But regardless of one’s predilections for specific Size scenarios, there is a unifying philosophy of wonder and self-discovery animating any Size encounter that all of us can recognize.  You can see it at the moment of eye contact, when a giant person and tiny person first become aware of each other.  What do each of them reflexively want at that moment?

That’s what this blog is meant to explore and encourage—who we can become in situations of extreme size differential.  That in my particular case it usually involves shrunken people being kept as “pets with benefits” is incidental.  Every person’s imagination brings something different to such an encounter and I want to see it all, not because it necessarily fuels my sexual fetish but because the diversity of scenarios, characters, and narratives that people generate in response to Size Fantasy makes it all the more real for me.  My imagination is capable of tremendous plots and elaborations, but I’m always intrigued and inspired by what others come up with.  Size Fantasy is nothing less than a collaborative work of art.

Flippantly Anticipated Questions

You’re serious. You really get off to this Honey, I Shrunk the Nerds stuff?

Indeed I do. Believe me, no one was as shocked as I was. It got a lot easier to accept when I found other Size pervs online.

I’ve heard of this before, but I always heard it called the “giantess fetish” or “GTS.” What is this “Size Fantasy” nonsense?

When this community was first discovering itself back in the 90s, it seemed like the most active and vocal participants were men who only wanted to see a woman grow to titanic proportions, a Giantess, who would then rampage through a city, stepping on all the men who clearly deserved it. Many of those guys believed their preferences were the “main” fantasy and declared that everything involving size differential should be called “Giantess” or “GTS.” But there were always other Size fans who had different ideas and passions: giant men, shrunken men, shrunken women, gentle giants, conniving tinies, every possible combination. The phrase “Size Fantasy” was coined to accommodate all of us.

What about “macrophilia”?

“Macrophilia” (love of large things) and the noun “macrophile” are terms that were coined to describe a sexual fetish for (relatively) large people. “Microphilia,” of course, is a fetish for (relatively) small people. This medical language is used to emphasize the compulsive or involuntary nature of these attractions that some Size Fantasists report.

There are people on Tumblr who are into this stuff, but they call it “G/t.”

“G/t” (or “g/T”) is indeed a Tumblr tag standing for (as one might expect) giant/tiny. When Tumblr banned NFSW content in December 2018, all us Size pervs left but the SFW fans stayed. Accordingly, whenever someone uses “G/t” these days they’re probably talking about (mostly) gentle Size encounters with little or no sexytimes.

Where are all the images and stories about tiny people worshiping giant feet?

Astonishingly, not everyone into Size Fantasy is interested in feet. Fortunately for you, there is no shortage of feet-oriented content out there for you to find. Good luck!

Give It A Try

Below are a few Size stories of mine that I believe are good “entry-level” samples of Size fiction. I also recommend any of the writers listed in the sidebar under The Usual Suspects.

Glad You Came (2760 words) — In a world where there are people of dozens of different sizes both larger and smaller than “normies,” there are regular mixers where giants and tinies and everyone in between can get to know each other.

License (1955 words) — Tiny people live among us, but they’re treated little better than vermin. A med student working at the public health labs is tasked with collecting specimens.

Resonance (20154 words) — A man volunteers for a shrinking experiment that lasts longer than expected.

Other Mysteries

This (WordPress) blog takes its name from my Size Tumblr blog (2015-2018, R.I.P.), which in turn took its name from “Amante Menguante” (Spanish: “Waning Lover”), a nine-minute black & white silent film-within-a-film from Pedro Almodóvar‘s Hable Con Ella (Talk To Her, 2002) (GIF at the top of this page). The fictional film (abridged in its inclusion in the real film) purports to depict a scientist, Amparo (Paz Vega), who develops a revolutionary weight-loss formula, which her reckless lover Alfredo (Fele Martínez) consumes before she can confirm its safety. The formula causes the hapless Alfredo to shrink until he is only a few inches tall, and the climax of the short film shows him exploring the sleeping Amparo’s nude body. To my knowledge it is the only mainstream film to explicitly depict vaginal insertion.

Man looking at movie poster for "AMANTE MENGUANTE." The poster depicts a shrunken man held in a woman's hands.
A character from Hable Con Ella regards a poster for the film he is telling us about.

I have used the same nym and avatar on Size forums and platforms since 2013. They are both taken from the 1987 Polish film Kingsajz (King Size). The avatar depicts the face of the late Polish actor Jacek Chmielnik and the nym comes from the name of his character in Kingsajz, Olgierd Jedlina (diminutive: “Olo”). Olo is actually from a hidden society called Szuflandia (Drawerland) where everyone is tiny (and, tragically, there are no women). He and a few of his people have escaped the repressive Szuflandian regime and are able to live among full-size people first by taking a secret formula (“King Size”) to grow big and then maintain their size by regularly drinking a popular soft drink (Polo Cockta). Just past the midpoint of the film there is scene of a recumbent nude woman, Ala (Katarzyna Figura), being encountered by a shrunken Olo, but Ala is actually awake for it. While the film as a whole is a comedy, this scene is the earliest known instance of giant-tiny sexual relations portrayed not in a comedic or horrific tone but rather as a straight-up arousing sex scene.

Further Inquiry

As you can see, I love talking about this stuff, more so than your average Size perv.  I want to hear about your ideas, creations, origin stories, obsessions, and any other thoughts or feelings about Size Fantasy.  Similarly, if you have any questions about something you’ve seen on this blog or about Size Fantasy in general, please leave a comment below or contact me directly.